Entering a new year can be frustrating.
The pressure of resolutions and heading back to work is often daunting. It feels like there’s an expectation to change everything about our lives within the first month of the year. Get fit. Eat healthy. Work toward that promotion. Spend more time with family. Learn that new skill. And the list goes on…. This kind of striving leads to burn out quick, leaving exhaustion and even a bit of resentment in its wake.
Seems like a fun way to start the year, right? Wrong. There’s no denying that changing bad habits is important and committing to new things can be inspiring. But how do we do those things without the pressure and ultimate shame that may come when it’s not done “perfect” the first time?
Perhaps the answer is in the very word we use to discuss the new year, become resolute.
That’s right, maybe we need to replace the idea of resolutions for the higher calling of becoming someone whose character is resolute. When being determined and committed is the aim, it’s no longer about the actual list of things we need to “do better in” or “be better at.” It’s about how we go about making those things a reality. How we stick to it, even when nothing about it is perfect.
It’s this quality of resolution I see becoming a reality in ACTS as we head into 2022. We’re being intentional about who we’re serving and how we can have the greatest impact throughout each of Unbridled’s locations. We’re discovering which programs are ready to grow and are stepping head-on into new territory to see that growth happen. Is it intimidating? Sure. Is it going to take time? Yes. Will we make mistakes along the way? Assuredly. Will it be 100% worth it? Absolutely.
“To a resolute mind, wishing to do is the first step toward doing. But if we do not wish to do a thing it becomes impossible.” –Robert Southey
So, perhaps having resolutions isn’t bad all together. Wishing to change for the better is always a great calling and is often what brings life to the mundane. However, becoming resolute in our determination and commitment toward that which we wish to change is far greater a lesson than striving to be perfect.
This year will bring many new and exciting things for ACTS, and I hope for you, as well. But my deepest prayer is that we all focus on growing as we journey to our destination, not become discouraged by imperfection. Here’s to a very resolute and increasingly impactful 2022.