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It’s been quite a journey for those who have been a part of the UnbridledACTS family over the past decade. And last weekend, we celebrated another major milestone as we shared what it’s like to live and learn and heal and grow together in an ACTS community – complete with bright lights, video cameras, and microphones that will broadcast untold stories and discovered truths to those who need to hear them.

We’ll be the first to admit that it’s not your typical housing arrangement – living together in a “home for women and youth in crisis.” Like most of you, believe me, it is the absolute LAST scenario any of us would have imagined for ourselves. An assemblage of unrelated people. A collage of personalities cutting and pasting our lives back together. A composite of diverse life stories revealing universal themes of the human experience.

Even though we may wish our scenario belonged to someone other than ourselves, there’s something about the simple beauty of these inclusive art forms that actually makes me thankful that my piece will be added to the mix, and that we each contribute something essential to bigger picture. I love that unrelated fragments, unexpected juxtapositions, and layers of meaning can be gathered and glued together with intentionality and love to forge connections that create a brand new whole. I love that artfully-filmed video clips are able to capture something beautiful from stories that once covered us in shame.

Our thanks to Unbridled Media for your sensitive filming of life at the ACTS House, and for your careful editing of sacred stories. We look forward to seeing and hearing the simple beauty of our individual stories, and what can happen when we allow our true selves to be known and loved, seen and heard, captured on film, then assembled into an artfully crafted montage that will impact many…beyond what we could have ever imagined.


