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During our lifetime we will make thousands of promises to family, friends, co-workers, strangers and ourselves. Some promises are small like, “I promise to call you tomorrow.” Other promises impact more than just you, “I promise to pick you up after school today.” A few promises are special, unique, intimate and intended to last forever. Some would say this is a covenant promise between two people. I made such a promise on October 18th, 2020. This promise affects myself and my husband for the rest of our lives.

The Past

Matt (said husband) dealt with a lot of pain and heartache in his first marriage. Even though he worked hard to build a relationship that would stand the test of time, heartbreak ensued. Both promised to love one another and practice honesty. Going into that marriage, he never expected the hurt or doubt experienced. 

It was hard for him to imagine a happy future while living in such a dark space. From the misery he went through, he developed hope and resilience. Being on the other side of his divorce, he learned to dream big and hope for more than he received. Determination and desire for this kind of life pushed him to the next chapter, where we met.

The Foundation

We came from very different relationship backgrounds that brought their own knowledge and struggles. He came from broken promises while I came from inexperience. Authenticity is part of who I am to the core and what I wanted to bring into my future relationship. I knew whoever I ended up with would have memories attached to certain emotions and hoped he would trust where I was coming from.

Throughout our dating relationship, we committed to be honest and transparent in all situations. We wanted a relationship that was focused on trust. Grace was extended to one another for past emotions and expectations as we navigated what this relationship could turn into. This commitment gave us an opportunity to create a foundation that would last a lifetime and allow us to move forward into a place of purpose.

As our relationship progressed, we continued to communicate the importance of a healthy foundation. Our hearts were set on marriage. We were willing to put the work in to build something that would last for the rest of our lives.

From friendship to engagement, we learned a lot about commitment. No matter the circumstance, we promised to push through. When challenges came, there was never an option to give up. Our determination to always be there for one another helped us see we would endure long-term.

The Dream

 Sunday, October 18th, 2020, Matt and I made a covenant promise to one another. In front of our family and friends, we vowed to remain together regardless of life’s storms. We’re committing to do whatever it takes to make our marriage work. Matt and I promised to seek help when we need it and never give up. What started out as a dream years ago, finally became a reality.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

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