Treasure Found Matching Fund

UnbridledACTS is hosting a Matching Fund to support Faith Donaldson as she publishes her first book. We will match $1 for $1 up to $15,000 for a total goal of $30,000. The match will run through the month of April 2024:

Treasure Found is more than a therapy book, it’s a therapist’s honest and unflinching telling of her own story, shaped with compassion and insight. It’s a collection of Donaldson’s real-life experiences, told in short, relatable stories: Betrayal, secrets, abuse, rejection, pain, loss, disappointment—and how we hide that part of ourselves we hope no one will ever discover. Each story is followed by reflections and an invitation to us, her reader, to enter into and share our own story in the same safe, yet vulnerable way.

When we read or hear someone’s story, it often stirs in us a relatable memory. Our stories are more significant than we realize. When shared, each can awaken an “a-ha” moment for both us, and for others. Our most difficult days will become our teachers if we take the time to listen. Our deepest pain can reveal not only areas that need healing, but pain of our past that may be unknowingly influencing how we respond to ourselves and others today.

With the heart of a storyteller, Donaldson shares her experiences of not only what happened, but how she overcame, what she discovered, and how she made peace with her past.

Faith Donaldson has been tirelessly working on this book for many years. To support, we have set up this dollar-for-dollar match (up to $15,000) where 100% of donations will help cover the publishing costs for Treasure Found. The hope is to see readers find the courage to face the bumps in life that cause suffering and anxiety—because the story does not end here. The treasure in your story is there, just waiting for you to take the first step to find it.

Read an excerpt of one of Faith’s stories below under “more info”.

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More Info

 “My mom had a family tradition: when a guest came into our home, they were asked to sign our guest book. It recorded their names, the date and a space for a brief comment. On this momentous day, Mom of course had the book with her for all to sign—a lasting memory of the day, and a way for her to place names with faces. Ted’s name was there, dated August 22, next to his signature: Ted Larkin.

“To most, Ted was a hardworking farmer, living with his wife and family. His unassuming character disguised him as he went about his daily farming routine. He kept mostly to himself, but there was another side to him—a well-concealed and unsuspected dark side.

“My exact age the first time Ted had me alone is not clearly defined. What I do know is that my earliest experience with him was sometime before the age of five….”

Sharing stories like this, from a perspective we rarely hear—a therapist’s own healing journey—Faith Donaldson creates a rare resource that will help anyone who has suffered trauma to see their life in a new light.