This old barn.
This old barn has held a steady ground through over ten years of UnbridledACTS remodels, projects and property clean ups. Our goal was to take it down and give our guests a brand new, uninterrupted view of the rolling hills behind it. What we got was a brand new view of how a community can be blessed when someone is willing to go the extra mile.
We have the honor (and sincere pleasure!) of working with David and Beth Sandy of Columbia Earthworks on UnbridledACTS Elizabeth’s upcoming construction project. Before we break ground on that project, however, we asked Dave to help us with cleaning up the property. And with that the barn came down.
Instead of hauling what to us was trash away to the dump, David and Beth saw an opportunity to bless others. And blessed they were! He listed the materials on Craigslist and the community responded:
Mike is building two sheds on his property and responded to the add for usable lumber and trusses. Mike was so touched by what UnbridledACTS was doing in Elizabeth, he offered to help with the property clean up.
Nathan explained that he had priced trusses just weeks earlier and was discouraged at the thought of having to postpone the building of his garage. With the trusses from the old barn, he is now free to get started!
Devon was interested in the usable lumber for building a new barn. He humbly requested we hold onto the extra lumber until he could gather enough gas money to pick it up. He was grateful and came to pick it up as soon as he could.
The three [ginormous] piles of mulch were sent load-by-load with several families. From a sweet young couple, to a quiet man in his late 60’s, the mulch blessed each family (and their gardens!) tremendously. In return for the mulch, they offered gifts such as their coveted potato growing secrets, the love of their pets and even fresh eggs.
David and Beth’s goal was to repurpose, recycle and reuse as much of the material as possible. There were approximately 45 loads of material removed from the property and, of the 45, only four loads went to the dump. Only four! Not only were they able to use the landfill space on the property, but numerous people were blessed and several projects around the community are able to be completed! Praise God for David & Sandy’s heart, the families who visited the UnbridledACTS property, and the community He’s creating.
And with these sweet stories, this brand new view is really just icing on the cake.