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Love Hard


Love Hard’s mission is to provide families with the opportunity to heal after experiencing an unexpected, life-changing loss of a child.


Following the sudden and unexpected loss of our 2-year-old son, Cash, we grappled with finding a way to honor and perpetuate the love and joy he brought into this world. As our youngest child, “our boy,” he joined his two older sisters, London and Harper, in 2015. Despite enduring multiple surgeries at birth and spending 41 days in the NICU, Cash led a vibrant life in his brief time with us.

Several days after Cash’s passing, amid the initial silence that accompanies such a heart-wrenching time, I, Jen, Cash’s mom, gathered with friends and family who had come to offer support. I began sharing stories, reflecting on the profound impact Cash had on our lives. I recounted how I nursed him longer than his sisters, rocked him to sleep every night throughout his entire life—not because he demanded it, but because I could. He was cuddled longer, HARDER. Kissed HARD. Loved HARD. And that’s how LOVE HARD was born.


We understand the profound grief that accompanies significant loss and how overwhelming, challenging, and enduring the healing process can be. We are grateful for the supportive community that provided us with space, time, and special experiences that fostered our family’s bond and healing after the tragic loss of our son and brother. It’s through intentional, special moments together that we’ve been able to share the joy and love that Cash brought into our lives with others facing similar loss.

Family time and shared experiences transcend mere niceties; they are more than gifts or isolated events. A family retreat becomes an irreplaceable part of the healing process for those who have lost a child too early in life. These moments impact everyone involved—parents, siblings, volunteers, donors, sponsors, medical professionals, and communities. At Love Hard, we believe bringing families together in a different environment provides the strength to rise above the most challenging of times. These special moments allow parents the necessary time to breathe and share precious moments with their families while navigating grief and healing.

Love Hard provides essential support, financial aid, counseling, and retreats for families grappling with the unexpected loss of a child. We express our gratitude to all those who support our mission and extend a heartfelt invitation for you to be part of our supportive community that helps grieving families know they aren’t alone during life’s most challenging moments.

If you or someone you know has lost a child and is in need of support, please fill out this form. Someone from our team will reach out to you soon. If you’d like to find out more about Love Hard or have any questions, please email [email protected].