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It is the heart of Transforma to assist at-risk, impoverished women and families on their journey toward stability and sustainability.


Vanessa Pavely and her husband, Spencer, have worked in poverty alleviation for over 22 years with YWAM. In 2014, Vanessa felt that the Lord wanted her to return to her home country of Costa Rica to help bring local women, who are disproportionately represented in the impoverished population, out of poverty and suffering through holistic programs.


The reality is that 20% of Costa Rica’s population are women without jobs, that’s about one million women total. If all of these women were given jobs, the Costa Rican poverty rate would drop from 22% to 11%. But there is more to freeing someone from poverty than just giving them a job. A woman, or family, with all of the tools but in depression or isolation is not as likely to succeed. Those who, in a holistic way, are growing simultaneously in all areas of life (vocationally, socially, emotionally, spiritually, etc.) and have a plan for personal sustainable development are the ones who push ahead and emerge from poverty into stability.


Love. Empower. Impact

Transforma’s poverty alleviation programs are a holistic approach. The programs include trainings and community services through Casa Transforma. A Transformational Development Center is in the works to equip social impact leaders to alleviate poverty across the globe.

Creates self-leadership skill development and entrepreneurship training opportunities for women and families to overcome the obstacles of relational, emotional, spiritual, and educational poverty.

How? Through social inclusion and human formation programs which help women and their families understand their value and self-worth, which is the foundation of a sustainable future.

Facilitates opportunities for the poor to give back to society and become productive citizens.

How? Through work-technical skill development training which begin integrating the poor into a community network that boosts their livelihood, health, and income.

Equips national and international social impact leaders and promotes their social responsibility.

How? Through entrepreneurship and leadership training that mobilize people toward productivity and self-sufficiency to overcome the strains of poverty.

It is UnbridledACTS’s hope to expand Transforma’s capacity to free women and families from poverty in San Jose and beyond. We take in all US donations for Transforma and 100% of those donations go towards funding Transforma’s various programs.