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The heart of Intermission is to support Colorado musicians and the arts community by offering grants, scholarships, and emergency aid in crisis.


After years of experience in the event industry, owners of Mannequin the Band, Dana Wield and Alan Currens realized that their business was about so much more than music and dancing. Weekend after weekend, they witnessed firsthand how music brings people together and they wanted to capitalize on that energy. So, Intermission was formed as a platform for artists to support other artists in order to bring the Colorado arts community together.


The event industry is busy—constantly moving, changing, collaborating and creating. But amidst the hustle and bustle, Mannequin the Band recognizes the importance of taking a moment—or rather, an intermission—to remember how they arrived where they are and why they love what they do.

The breath mark in music tells a musician to take a slight pause—a breath. This pause, while it usually does not affect the pace of the song, does indicate an important moment: a moment in the middle of a song to breathe in, so that the next note you sing will sustain.

Taking an Intermission to care for our communities sustains our communities, and in turn, sustains us in our purpose and identity as humans. That’s why Mannequin the Band has committed to Intermission. Because supporting other artists makes the community stronger.


Colorado has an incredible community of musicians, event professionals, and city influencers that Mannequin the Band is thankful to be a part of it. Intermission exists to show this gratitude; to give back as much as possible to the arts community.

Intermission believes that the arts not only bring people together, but can truly transform culture, create unity, and make the world a better place. Their hope is that by supporting the creative community, culture will be transformed for the better.


Each year, 20% of Mannequin the Band’s profit goes directly to the Intermission branch of UnbridledACTS, with the goal of supporting the arts community by:

  • Awarding grants to musicians for original projects.
  • Providing emergency funding for working musicians (health, family, crisis).
  • Offering assistance for instrument purchases and music education/scholarships.