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Be Unbridled

Thank you for discovering what it looks like to belong, believe, and become through the UnbridledACTS of an unbridled community. If you would like to partner with us financially we pledge to faithfully steward your gift in the mission set before us.

Please follow the link below, or send a check to:

1115 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203

Is my donation secure?

By clicking the donate button you will be linked directly to PayPal’s secure website. All PayPal transactions are protected by advanced encryption and 24-hour fraud monitoring. Read more

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. UnbridledACTS is registered by the state of Colorado as a 501c3 organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Can I get a receipt?

Yes. A confirmation of your donation will be generated once your transaction via PayPal is complete, and will serve as your receipt for tax purposes.

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UnbridledACTS is also a partner with His Kingdom Funding- which is a way to make regular “round up” donations on your everyday purchases. To setup a round up account and find out more information, please go to:

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